We envision a world where there are no barriers to finding the perfect mentor.

To our team, that vision requires us to support the mentors who want to guide others, the mentees who seek guidance, and the mentorship program hosts that work to bring everyone together. We truly believe in strength in numbers and that we all shine brighter when working together. 

Opal was founded by ambitious college students who lacked mentorship in their own lives, and wanted to create a solution so that future generations of students wouldn’t have to think twice about how to find the best mentor for themselves.

Our first service offering is the use of our auto-match matching algorithm. We collect data from program participants and swiftly identify each mentee’s top matches.

We hope you enjoy learning a bit more about our journey, tools, and how we can best support you and your team.

We pride ourselves in our “blobby” brand because we value what makes us different, imperfect, and human. The icon above represents two different beings coming together to create something beautiful, which we hope you experience as you mentor, are mentored, or form mentorships for others.

Are you passionate about helping people create meaningful connections?

We’d love to hear from you.